December 19th, 2017 or “Time Is a Construct and Anyways I’ve Been Busy Ok?”

What I’m “Doing”:  Business Analysis?

What I’m Actually Doing:  Applying to jobs that I’m wildly overqualified for as I wait for admissions decisions from the doctoral programs I’m wildly underqualified for bc being 25 is fun and nothing makes sense and life is an adventure and clichés like these help me to internally manufacture the illusion of maintaining control.

What I’ve Been Reading: “Little Fires Everywhere” by Celeste Ng which is artful and heartbreaking and compelling as heck with it’s respective stances on motherhood, daugtherhood, friendships, love, charity and art.  Also, it’s not a business book bc I’m FINALLY FINISHED MY MBA which has been decidedly anticlimactic but yay for having my weekends back, I guess.

Currently Thinking About: The Future.  My future, and our future, collectively, and the different iterations of future that have existed in the minds of so many others and will continue to be constructed in the minds of so many more and wondering if everyone thinks about this, and if so how they ever get anything else done, and if not what does that mean for me as a person, and

Thing I’m Feeling Positive About:  I have time for writing again.  I have time for feeling again.  This thing I thought I would never be able to complete has been completed, and maybe that means I’m more qualified for life and jobs and schools and finding a way to be long-term happy than I think I am.

And with that, a gentle sign off.  Goodbye for now but not forever, faceless audience that I know from hurtfully accurate wordpress analytics does not actually exist.


Photo by Jonathan Daniels on Unsplash