February 21, 2018, or “Using a Machete to Cut Through Red Tape”

What I’m “Doing”:  Sitting at my computer and dutifully doing the things I’m paid to dutifully do.

What I’m Actually Doing:  Appreciating the time abundance that comes as the flip-side of my mind numbingly boring job.

What I’ve Been Reading: “Eligible” by Curtis Sittenfeld, a surprisingly witty take on the otherwise exhausted archetypes presented in Pride and Prejudice.  I thought I’d hate it, because how many different versions of Elizabeth-Bennet-Has-A-Cell-Phone does one world need??   And yet, this one is not bad.  I should’ve known Curtis Sittenfeld, whose “Prep” rocked my world as a late middle school student, would be able to breath some new life into the material.  While this is no “Prep,” or “American Wife,” it’s still far more entertaining than the average “entertaining” read, and I’m enjoying it immensely.

Currently Thinking About: How I have defined happiness in the past, and how I want to define it in the future.  I’m tryna decipher what’s actually important to me, and what my goals are, and how I can make moves towards a real chance at achieving them, and letting go of the fear that’s holding me back, etc etc etc.  Taking more yoga, pretending like THIS is the time I’m actually going to start meditating, made a smoothie for breakfast.  The real life changing kinds of things, you know?  But this time I MEAN it.

Thing I’m Feeling Positive About:  Still mostly everything.  I’m recently 26, and 26 feels way less old than I anticipated.  The sun is still bright, my weekends are still long.  My hangovers are getting worse but like, I acknowledge that I probably shouldn’t be drinking much anymore anyways.  I’m still dreading waking up in the morning, but my work days are less stressful.  I don’t love everything about my life but it feels like I’m starting to love more about it than I used to, and it feels…nice.  I’m interviewing for a part time job to capitalize on some of my free time, I’m really starting to get my outdoor balcony space together.  I’m changing my name from kitty to Karen, I’m trading my MG for a white Chrysler Le Baron…

Ending with the positive observation that this is two posts in the same month, and psyched about it.


Photo by Anna Vander Stel on Unsplash

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